Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mandatory Weigh In - March Edition

Had my mandatory (self imposed) weigh in this morning after my run.

(Insert drum roll here)

201 lbs. Down 5 from the 1st of February. I realize these aren't "Biggest Loser" numbers here, but with that weigh in, my BMI goes to 25. What this means for me is that for the first time in over 20 years, I'm not considered over weight. My weight right now is considered "desirable".

Now the key is to not revert. Stay the course. Push forward. I think I've gotten this far due to my self discipline and perseverance, but the key will definately be to continue to not go over board on food. It took me three years to find the right combination to loose the weight, I hope it doesn't take another three to find the code to maintain the weight.



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